Why we belong to the Sons of The American Legion?
Our Country
- To uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America.
- To honor my forefather's service to our country.
- To perpetuate (encourage) the true spirit and positive view toward Americanism.
- To help our children of (and into) tomorrow.
- To assist teaching all Americans of all ages what it took to make Our Country great.
- To keep Freedom Alive.
- To reinstate our Loyalty and Patriotism and beliefs in America.
- To help our Country prepare for the future through the ideals established by our forefathers.
- To provide a vehicle for the legion Family and the Community to work together; to provide various services to the Community, State and Nation.
- To protect our nation's flag and to educate youth on flag etiquette.
Our Family
- To support The American Legion and its programs.
- To respect our parent Organization.
- To give back, for what The American Legion has done for my family and me.
- The American Legion Family-to make our support of The Legion Family as strong as possible.
- To help teach our youth the principals of Justice, Freedom and Democracy.
- Both a Father and Son can belong to the organization with a shared interest.
- To learn how to conduct a meeting using Roberts Rules of Order.
- To be a part of The Legion Family, and to help preserve it.
- To help the Sons of The American Legion become a better organization for all those who belong and for all who are helped through the Sons of The American Legion Programs.
- To help prepare our youth in their ability to succeed.
Our Veterans
- To help care for all Veterans who served our nation by assisting the VA & R and the VAVS Programs.
- To impact my community in a positive way, by helping and assisting Veterans, and supporting various American Legion Programs.
- To provide assistance to all Veterans, especially those in need of care.
- That our Veterans, POWs, and MIAs from ALL wars will never be forgotten.
- Pride for those who served this Country to keep us free.
- For God and Country, and support our Veterans and their families.
- The pride we take knowing our contributions to The American Legion and their charitable programs are making a difference for the youth of America.
- To help those in need of help.