
Seeley B. Parish Post 457 Phone (315) 548-3204


Sons of the American Legion Dues - Seniors - $25

                                                       Juniors  and Dual - $10


Sons of The American Legion




Detachment of New York  Squadron No.457                         Birth Date__________________________

Name_____________________________________________ Recruited by_________________________

                                      (First) (Initial) (Last)

Address _________________________________________________________________________________________________

                                (Street) (City) (State) (Zip) (Telephone)


Veteran through whom eligibility is established __________________________________________________________________

(a)Above is a member in good standing of Post No.___________________ Department of _____________________________

OR (b) Above is a deceased veteran who served honorably from _______________________ to ___________________________

(c) Relationship of Applicant to Veteran ________________________________________________________________________

Has Applicant previously been a member of the SAL? ___________________ Where? __________________________________


I hereby subscribe to the Constitution of the Sons of The American Legion and apply for membership.

Email Address__________________________________________ Transmit $________annual membership dues Detachment of ___NY________


Signed_____________________________________________ Eligibility certified by _________________________________

By Applicant or Parent)



Please return completed application along with your check or money order to:

SAL Squadron #457,

1346 Rte.96,

Phelps, NY 14532